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Putting Pen To Skin Making Your Mark

Getting a tattoo may seem like an easy thing to do. A lot of people have trouble with the very first step though. It can be hard to pick something that will be on your body for the rest of your life.

Tattoo design is something that is always a deeply individual process but there are a few general things you can do to make sure the end result is something you are proud of. The best way the find a tattoo design that you will love is to draw it yourself. Sorry to state the obvious, but don't dare go picking a picture out of the sample book and getting that done until you've at least tried to draw your own. Of course most of us won't end up with anything they would want to get tattooed on themselves. Everyone will get a much sharper idea of what our tattoo design should look like however. So you can't draw it yourself, there is a pile of crumpled paper on the floor that will prove that.

The next best thing is to have a friend who has artistic ability to draw it for you. If you have a friend that is a future Picasso, and you can convince them to help you with it, you will almost certainly end up with a tattoo design you are very happy with. There is still a problem for the rest of us who can't think of a single artist we know at all. We are going to have to find someone with the talent we need, and at this point we may have to pay for their time if they are professionals.

Call around to tattoo studios with good reputations that you would consider have your work done at. You should be able to make an appointment with one of the artists in the shop to discuss and or design your tattoo. Depending on the artist and the shop the may be a nominal fee for the time of the artist and the design work done. At this point it is usually possible to book with the same artist for the actual tattooing, meaning an exact replication of the drawing. The final and some might argue most important aspect of tattoo design is to know what it means.

If you choose to use characters or words from a foreign language you need to make sure they means what you think they do. Not checking with a native reader of the language you are using can result is some very embarrassing phrases permanent marked on your behind.

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