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The treatment of varicose veins

Varicose Veins Varicose veins are caused due to a minor problem caused by the malfunctioning of the vein valves. It is a rather painful medical condition that can affect the daily life of the patient . Varicose veins are not only physically traumatic but also affect the patient emotionally as it is an embarrassing situation for the patient.
Some of the common reasons attributed to the condition of varicose veins are obesity, family history, work induced or even pregnancy related.
Symptoms of Varicose Veins ?Burning or throbbing pain in the legs ?Protruding or bulging veins ?Discolouration of the veins of the legs
Treating Varicose veins Varicose veins should not be left to heal on their own as they never will.

The treatment of varicose veins requires medical attention that too from a vein specialist. There are several sophisticated techniques of treating varicose now available with the developments in technology. The earlier days of very painful procedures like "vein stripping" for treating varicose veins is over. Some of the latest and most advanced techniques of treating the condition of varicose veins include:
?Compression stocking therapy: For mild conditions and cases where the problem of varicose veins is at its initial stages , the problem can be rectified merely by the use of compression garments. Compression garments like stockings are now available in a range of colours and styles to go with your dress and no one would even make out the difference.

?Sclerotherapy: Sclerotherapy is an important technique used for treating varicose veins. This method of treatment requires injecting the drugs directly into the veins to cure the disorder. This may involve more than one session with the doctor for full treatment of the condition. The Duplex Ultrasound technology has come as a boon to help the doctors see the actual problem causing deeper veins. This is state of the art minimally invasive technology which helps to repair the problem right from its root.
?Laser therapy: Laser therapy is a quick and painless treatment which uses the very latest in technology to fix the problem of varicose veins.

?Endovenous Laser Therapy: This technique is suggested by the doctor under specific circumstances and the type of the problem.
There are several specialised vein institutes today which deal solely with vein problems and are equipped with the best in technology and also employ the services of trained and experienced doctors and other medical staff. Such institutes help the patient in understanding his problem and also provide access to a vein specialist who would be able to guide him regarding the right mode of treatment. In case of any problems also the best medical help is available.

The developments in the field have provided several solutions for the treatment of varicose veins. Now even if you are diagnosed with varicose veins , help is not far away. It is a problem which can be treated without any problem and you would soon be back on your lovely feet.
Author Bio: Ted Turner is a consultant at various Toronto Hospitals and clinics for ROSACEA (FACIAL REDNESS & VEINS), BOTOX, Varicose Veins and Spider Veins Clinic, Laser Hair Removal, Tattoo Removal, Hyperhidrosis Treatments (Excessive Sweating), Age Spots treatment.

Author Bio: Ted Turner is a consultant at various Toronto Hospitals and clinics for ROSACEA (FACIAL REDNESS & VEINS), BOTOX, Varicose Veins and Spider Veins Clinic, Laser Hair Removal, Tattoo Removal, Hyperhidrosis Treatments (Excessive Sweating), Age Spots treatment

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